文章来源:朔博国际汉教中心1. reception 接待室
2. staff room 员工室
3. swipe card 磁卡
4. assembly 集会
5. staff meeting 员工会议
6. plasma TV 等离子电视
7. reprographic room 复印室
8. ICT room 电脑室
9. canteen 食堂
10. atrium 中厅
11. SIMS Electronic registration
12. tutor 班主任
13. tutor group – 班级
14. tutor time/VT time : tutee meet their tutors in regular classroom
15. PLTS :personal learning and thinking skills
16. take registers :sign in students in SIMS
17. detention : keep bad-behavior students at school after school or at lunch time
18. referral room :the room for moving the bad behavior students in
19. bluetack : a kind of glue which is blue
20. cutter : a tool to cut paper
21. puncher : a tool to make a hole in a paper card
22. copier : a machine to do photocopy
23. staple/ stapler : 订书钉/钉书机
24. display board :展示板
25. laminate : 压膜/塑封
26. OFSTED :教育监察
27. GCSE :是英国学生完成第一阶段中等或中学教育后重要的考试证书
28. to watch/ observe lessons :听课
29. deputy principal :执行校长
30. INSET DAY :培训日
31.A-level: Advanced Level of General Certificate of Education 英国高考
31. cover lesson :if a teacher is not in, another teacher will do her/his lesson with prepared lesson plan and lesson materials
32. supply teacher: 代课教师
33. risk assessment :出行风险评估
34. Scheme of work :教学大纲
35. course work :essay 作文
36. confirm / check/double check :确认
37. school trip :a trip out of school for some special things
38. module/ half term : a half term means six weeks , that also means one module
39. remote control :遥控器
40. interactive board/ pen :a board or pen used in school instead of black board and chalk
41. taster lesson : a lesson for the tasters
42. parents evening :家长会
43. KS1/KS2/KS3/KS4:key stage 1,2,3,4 year 7-year 9 is ks3 ….
44. Six form: year 12&13, 大学预科
45. reply slips : 回复信
46. mock exam :模拟考试
47. Staff briefing :员工简会,it is usually on Monday morning
48. Period 1-: 第一节课
49. Lunch club/ after-school club :中午/放学后兴趣班
50. ASAP:as soon as possible
51. timing : 计时
52. truanting students :逃学的学生
53. park students :if the students had bad behavior, move them to another classroom
54. parking slip : a slip from the subject teacher which proves that you park the students
55. Chinese characters/ symbols 汉字
56. Stroke /stroke order笔画
57. Seating plan 座位表
58. Facility department 后勤